Hip-Hop Dance Club CSU
Frequently Asked Questions
- I don't have any dance experience, can I still join?
Yes of course! Our classes may involve more advanced choreography, but we consider the skill levels of everyone in the room. Wherever you're at, we'll cater to you!
- Is there a membership fee?
Nope! We work hard to keep hip-hop accessible to the community, and that means keepin' class free!
- What styles does the club do?
We focus on hip-hop and street dance styles like house, breaking, funk, and more!
- Do you guys do any performances?
We actively seek out and participate in performance opportunities all throughout the semester. You never know when you might see us around!
- Are members required to perform?
Members are not required to perform. We prioritize our focus on weekly club meetings!
- How can I be alerted of meeting times, news, or rehearsals?
You can stay connected by following us on Instagram, joining our GroupMe, or by filling out our online interest form!